We are dedicated to delivering the ultimate transaction experience, offering unwavering support and guidance every step of the way. Each transaction is handled with the care and attention we'd give our own. Our commitment to excellence has forged a reputation founded on referrals. Your success is the core of our business!
Relocating to Seattle? We have been through the process ourselves and can guide you with genuine knowledge.
We are thrilled again to be included in the top 1.5% of more than 1.6 million Real Estate Professionals nationwide.
1211 SW 132nd Lane, Unit #411, Seattle, WA 98146
2 BD | 2 BA | 1,080 Sq.Ft.
1524 Cherrylane Place S, -3529, Seattle, WA 98144
2 BD | 2 BA | 1,240 Sq.Ft.
26542 NE Big Rock R
4 BD | 4 BA | 1,903 Sq.Ft.
9523 S 204th Place, Kent, WA 98031
4 BD | 3 BA | 2,570 Sq.Ft.
21314 43rd Dr SE, Bothell, WA 98021
6 BD | 5 BA | 3,510 Sq.Ft.
With over 25 years of business experience, we will be able to market your home, deal with any issues efficiently and negotiate for the best outcome.